Whether you live or work right along the shoreline of Massachusetts or Rhode Island, or your home or business is miles away, a variety of storms pose a serious risk for flooding all year round, from tropical storms to hurricanes to nor’easters and blizzards. A critical way to prepare for this extreme weather and subsequent rising waters is to have comprehensive flood insurance coverage.
Here are some of the reasons that you, as a homeowner or business owner, should invest in the proper flood insurance:
- Along the South Coast of Massachusetts and Rhode Island, there is a greater potential for flooding as a result of both summer and winter storms.
- Erosion and flooding are causing damage even during minor storms along the coastlines of Massachusetts and Rhode Island.
- Accelerating sea levels, which puts higher water levels in the path of coastal storms, is a growing threat, especially along the East Coast.
- According to the Federal Emergency Management Association (FEMA), 20% of all flood claims are from moderate to low risk areas.
- Don’t wait until it’s too late; the standard homeowners insurance policy will not cover flood-related damages
BayCoast Insurance is the South Coast MA and Rhode Island flood insurance experts, and they are uniquely qualified to help you assess your flood risk, estimate your premiums, and find you the optimal flood insurance options.
Schedule an appointment today to speak with an BayCoast Insurance Flood Expert, 508.491.3100, for a comprehensive review of your current flood risk and flood insurance policy. We will provide you with a solid, well thought-out plan that protects your home or business from the unpredictability of Mother Nature.