Increasing COVID-related workplace lawsuits. Is your business prepared?
Lawsuits are covering a wide-range of COVD-related issues, workplace discrimination and on-site safety, amongst many, many others. With staff members being called back into the office, and concern rising over vaccine mandates, experts are expecting the number of lawsuits to INCREASE in the coming months.
Is your business prepared?
Will you be able to protect, or at least defend, against COVID-related liability claims? Even if cases end up being thrown out of court, defense costs will still fall on employers and ultimately, their insurers. As of late, claims related to vaccinations make up less than 5% of total COVID-19 lawsuits. This is expected to change. The growing controversy over workplace vaccine mandates, or lack thereof are anticipated to be the next wave of COVID-related legal action. For example, when at-risk workers were asked about returning to the office, some responded that they would consider suing an employer if there was a lack of a mandatory vaccine policy.
How can you best prepare to defend, and protect your business?
Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI). For businesses in the know, and businesses that have been around for decades without this coverage, the demand for this protection is at an all-time high. If you are a business owner, and you would like to better prepare your business for the current climate of legal suits, BayCoast Insurance can help. Contact us today.